Thermostat ceramic for lamp holder -02


Classification: Thermostat ceramic

Characteristic: It has the characteristics of high mechanical strength, good insulation performance and stable temperature sensitivity. It is widely used in water dispensers, water heaters, refrigerators, air conditioners and other electrical appliances.

Area: Drinking fountains, water heaters, refrigerators, air conditioners, etc.

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Product Features

1 Overview

Ceramic metallization is one of the newly developed technical fields in recent years. It has independent intellectual property rights and has obvious innovation in metallization formula, powder sorting and ball milling technology, coating and infrared drying technology. At the domestic leading level.

2, detailed parameters

The surface of the ceramic material is metallized to make it a composite material with both ceramic properties and metallic properties.

3. Application fields

Widely used in electronic components, substrates. Various ceramic metallization processes such as silver metal method, molybdenum manganese metal method, and active metallization are available.

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